Friday, 29 May 2009

Wanchai market in Hong Kong

Small fruit stall (by Christ tell)
No, I have not been to Hong Kong recently unfortunately, I just thought it would be fun to show the wonderful things I have seen in the markets over there! (bear with me as I only had a compact camera, my faithfull Optio SV, in order to travel light..).
I revisited Wanchai Markets severa times, as I could not get enough of the sight...

Wanchai Market stretches behind the very busy main street road of Hong Kong Island.

Cross the hustly and bustly street, try not to get ran over by one of the trams, and there you are: woooooaaaaah!
Market streets (by Christ tell)

Let's start with the vegges before we tackle more serious stuff (vegetarians and vegans, get off at the vegetables stage!...)
in a later post.
Vegetables (by Christ tell)
The place is enormous, and the choice brilliant, the atmosphere,amazing. I discovered lots of vegetable s I still haven't used til this day...

Also al lot of flowers, orchids, and more strange decorative fruits:

decorative fruits (by Christ tell)

And this part of the market would not have been complete without the sweet shops of course!
Sweet stall (by Christ tell)Sweet sweet seller (by Christ tell)
This woman was so sweet, when I asked if I could take a photo,
she put her hand up and said stop!
took a lipstick out of her pocket, applied it,
and gave me this wonderful smile! :))
That's it for now,
you can have see tofu: because the second part of this post will all be about meats and fish... and this post is vegetarian Friendly!

Varieties of Tofu (by Christ tell)

I hope you enjoyed the walk with be, and if you are up for it, follow me onto the next post...
Last stalls (by Christ tell)


Cindy Khor said...

that's the 1st time i'm seeing lemon (or is it lemon?) in this kinda shape... totally gorgeous and auspicious looking... i guess hongkong has its own unique-tivity

Christelle said...

To Cindy: humm, I don't think they are lemons, really but I loved the look too! They were sold with flowereo purely ornemental. Did not find out what they were yet...

Chris said...

The red-brown cubes at the bottom of the picture with all that tofu is definitely NOT vegetarian. It's actually cubes of coagulated(likely porcine) blood!! I kid you not! I do eat that when I can find it @ dimsum restaurants here but have never tried to cook with it.

French Cooking for Dummies said...

Amazing pictures!

Christelle said...

Chris, you are right, it is curdled blood, but I was not going to cut the photo, so I left it, lol!

French Cooking for Dummies: Thanks! :))

Rico said...

Amazing pics and report, I enjoyed a lot reading all about it .thanks for sharing :) kisses xxx