Ingredients (for 4):
- 200 g dried flat rice noodles (did not find fresh ones in Chinatown, I'll look better next time..)
- 300 g steak, sliced thinly
- 250 g kai lan (Chinese kale)
- 2 tablespoons peanut oil (vegetable oil)
- - 1 clove garlic, peeled and chopped
- 4 shallots, peeled and sliced thinly
- 1 thumb-length ginger, peeled and chopped
- 1 teaspoon light soy sauce (coeliac use gluten free version)
- 1 teaspoon sesame oil
- 1 teaspoon rice wine
2 espresso cups of stock (1/2 beef stock cube in hot water will do)
1 tablespoon light soy sauce (coeliac use gluten free version)
1 tablespoon soy sauce (coeliac use gluten free version)
1 tablespoon rice wine
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon cornflour (I tend to use rice flour, it works too)
Slice the steak thinly in slices and cut each slice again in half if you want small pieces. Marinate in light soy sauce, sesame oil and rice wine for at least 15 minutes.
Soak the dried noodles in cold water until softened. Drain
Place the Chinese leaves with the noodles, and pour over it the boiled water from the kettle, repeat 2 or three times (drain in between the times, then leave it soaking in the water) (Omit this step if you are using fresh noodles)
Heat the oil in a wok large enough for the noodles. Make sure the wok is very hot and sauté the garlic, shallots and ginger until fragrant. Add the beef slices and stir-fry briskly for a few minutes. Do not worry if they are half cooked. Remove.
Mix the sauce ingredients in a bowl, stir well. Pour the sauce into the hot wok and allow it to thicken, stirring continuously.
Return the beef to the wok. Add the noodles and mix well in the wok so that the noodles are well coated with the sauce and beef .
(if you want that smoky taste, you can flambé the noodles...)
Serve immediately and enjoy!! (I certainly did!) Slurply good!
For vegetarians or even vegans, replace the marinated meat by caramelised tofu see my recipe there).
Last time I had this dish was in Singapore, in the little cafe in front of the Royal Peacock hotel, where I was staying. I had quite craving tonight and decided I'd make them..

Source: my memory of the dish, and a million of recipes on the net I made a synthesis of....
Now this looks like something I would eat, if ever I could afford all those ingredients!
Yumm... beef hor fun is nice... I love hor fun. Have you tried curry hor fun before?
Thanks for the heads up about silicone at quicksave, I'll ask my husband if he knows where one is.
Also, I agree with you that no meal is really expensive if you have a good supply of stuff on hand. It's just, in my case, I'd have to go buy almost all those ingredients! But if I see them on offer, I'll start buying them one at a time and build up my larder.
I read your succulent duck post and I did love it! Our local Co-op is always marking stuff down. We once got three organic/free-range chicken breast for 50p.
Also, I while I do like Delia Smith's old books (the cookery course ones), I hate her new show! Her cheats are stupid and I don't like it one bit.
Joeli: Have fun with the hunt! and down with Delia, he he he!
Mycookinghut: Ohhh I've never heard of curry hor fun, I hope you have a recipe for me to try after mentioning it, I'm all curious now!!!
I was just thinking of cooking this today but didn't get to do it. This is my fav noodles but I like to cook it in many ways.
Ah! Ha! Je comprends maintenant, l'histoire du marchant japonais! LOL T'as l'asiatique en tête toi! ...et tu t'y prends réelement bien, ça a l'air délicieux!
Mais au fait, pour ne pas que tu sois induite en erreur, ne cherches pas l'Oka chez ton marchand japonais! C'est un fromage typiquement québécois du genre Port Salut. Oka, c'est le village dans lequel on le fabrique, celui-ci tire son nom d'un terme amérindien! Voilà! Maintenant, si t'as un marchand québécois... LOL
Ahhh ah ah en effet! :)) pas japonais alors!!
Aha, les cousins quebecois ont bdonc un fromage qui pue aussi! QWuand j'irai la bas je penserai bien a l'essayer!
La le marchand Quebecois ca va etre dur dur, ca ne se fait pas en Angleterre, et puis j'ai la vague impression que le fromage qui pue, ca ne s'exporte pas bien!!
thanks for dropping by...well this beef dish really got me drooling I do make a similar one but never tried Chinese kale, usually do it with spinach ...this is something I will try.
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