You can either buy ready pomegranate seeds, or do it yourself: once you learn how to, it does not take that much time, and has the benefit to be fresher.
It tastes very fresh and could well help you to calm down theses curry burning sensations....
- 200g Greek yoghurt (I always use total yoghurt)
- ½ cucumber, grated, excess water drained away
- 1 pomegranate
- 1 tsp sugar
- salt, to taste
- handful chopped fresh coriander leaves
Beat the yoghurt so that it becomes fluffy-ish
Grate the peeled cucumber and carrors. Make sure you squeeze the water out of the cucumber by pressing it in your hands.
Now add all the ingredients in the yoghurt
Mix together, then place in the fridge for a bit, it's ready to eat!
Bon apetit!
Source: BBC program Indian made easy
I'll have to try this one. I 'm really fond of pomgranate. Looks beautiful also.
Thank you
sounds like it would be really refreshing with cucumber and pomegranate. What would you pair this with? Chicken....
Marjolaine: Merci!
Manger La Ville: it's great to cool down the fire of a curry, or else you could have it as a dip!
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