And for very good reasons indeed: this dish does not require any cooking! Not everybody's taste of course, but one of my favorites. It's healthy, great provider of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid for people whose blood type is O (type A abstain see www.dadamo.com). I am one these O type people, and I use this dish to prop me up when I am low in energy and tired.
For 1 person, take 200g lean mince beef, just bought at your favorite butcher's. Add a yolk, and the same volume of Dijon mustard, pepper - no salt - and capers and/or diced gherkins and/or diced pickled onions. Mix a bit, it's ready!
You can add pretty much whatever else you'd want with it, but I reckon that too many ingredients spoil the dish. Simplicity is best.
In France, the dish is often eaten with horse mince. I know it sounds horrible to you, but put it in perspective: horses are best eaten when either young or around 25 years old. Obviously they are not eaten young, but when they are old, which is the age at which they would have been put down because they are too old to be kept. And when you think of it in these terms, being eaten or not is hardly relevant to the fact that they would not have been kept alive anyway...

I remember one restaurant in Australia served us horse meat but I can't bring myself to try it :) I heard its very gamey. Is that right?
Yes it is quite, and the meat is much more red too, leaner. I used to have it when I was little. Very tasty!
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