Sunday, 7 September 2008

Tofu is good!: the proof is in caramelised tofu

After last post, I thought I'd better make up with my vegetarian friends and prove that I am not carnivore, but omnivore indeed. I am very food curious and I tend to try anything and everything that's new to me, which mean I have experimented with a lot of commonly thought vegetarian ingredients. I have learnt to apreciate tofu in all its shapes and forms, and when I try to convince friends that yes tofu is brilliant, I tend to cook it for them this way first, as it seems that it is the easiest acquaintance. I don't go for the delicate tofu, which they usually find too bland....

Here's a way of cooking tofu that will make it more attractive for those who usually don't like it!

1 - Cut a bloc of fresh tofu in medium sized cubes.

2 - Heat up some sesame oil and 2 or 3 teaspoons of soy sauce (or replacement product for vegans)

3- Throw the cubes in the pan and cook them until they are caramelised.

That's too easy and only 5 min in total. Now we're talking real fast food!

You can use it hot in salads, or in dishes instead of meat. They can make great nibbles too.


Laurie said...

okay, this I *definaely* want to try ! Ca a l'air trop bon !! Quelle marque et quel type de tofu utilises-tu ?

Christelle said...

Contente de t'avoir convaincue, oui 'est super bon, j'ai utilise la marque cauldron, et bio:

ICook4Fun said...

I love eating tofu this way especially dipping it in peanut sauce.

Christelle said...

Oh yes peanut sauce!! The best peanut sauce is Malaysian, so you are the expert!!